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  • How Do I Access My BC Email Account?

To access your Brooklyn College email account you need to know your Email ID and Email Password. This is not the same as your WebCentral ID and Password.

What is My Email ID?

Your Email ID is automatically assigned to you during your first week of classes at Brooklyn College and will remain the same until you graduate. To find your E-Mail ID, do the following:

  • Login to WebCentral and click the "My Info" tab.
  • At the top of the left column, there will be a channel called "My Personal Info". Your Email ID is listed below your phone number. Note: Your full BC email address is listed below your Email ID, but only the part before the '@' sign is required when logging on.

    Email ID

Your Email Password?

Your Email password is automatically assigned as the following:

  • A combination of the month and day of your birthday plus the last 5-digits of your Student ID number (SSN). The format is MMDDSSSSS.
  • For example: If you were born on May 10th and your SSN is 123456789, your email password would be 051056789.

Connecting to Your BC Email Account

Once you know your Email ID and password, you can connect to your email account as follows:

  • If you have not already done so, Login to WebCentral and go to the "My Info" tab.
  • Find the "My BC Email" channel in the right column.

    Email Button 
  • Click the "Login to My BC Email" button.

  • A new window will open up prompting you for your User Name and Password. Your User Name is your Email ID.
    Email Login 

  • You should now be connected to your BC email account.

Still Need Help?

For additional assistance with your email account, please call the network support group at: 718-677-6180 (M-F 9am-5pm)


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