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Provide Needs Analysis for Proposed CUNYfirst Reporting/Queries/Applications includes the following:

  • Collaborate with BC offices/departments to determine CUNYfirst reporting/queries/applications requirements and specifications
  • Coordinate with other appropriate BC offices/departments that may also benefit, and provide additional requirements and specifications
  • Build and test the target program, report, or query.  
  • Provide user orientation
  • Share CUNYfirst reports/queries/applications with the rest of CUNY community

How to Submit a Request:

 Call or email BC Access Security Liaison (ASL) Group

Turnaround Time:

ITS will have an initial phone or email discussion within 1-2 business days and may need to schedule additional meetings to arrive at a full specification for the request.  Timeline of building/testing/training will vary depending the specific requirements/specifications and level of urgency.

Required User Input:

  • Requester's contact information and department
  • Content, requirements and specifications
  • Level of urgency and impact

Prerequisites or Restrictions:

Area Head authorization may be required.

Service Contact

BC Access Security Liaison (ASL) Group

Gary Waller, Karl Lum, Anna Rakhmanchik

Phone: 718-951-5861


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